Saturday, February 04, 2017

Tal (Til or Sesame) chikki

Recipe: Recipe: Tal (Til or Sesame) chikki

Description Chikki is a traditional Indian sweet.There are several different varieties of chikki.



  1. Cook (00:03:00)
    Dry roast the sesame seeds in a pan.
  2. Cook (00:05:00)
    Remove roasted sesame seeds from the pan and put sugar and heat the sugar on medium flame. Keep stirring continuously. Keep heating till all the sugar melts down to liquid.
  3. Cook (00:02:00)
    Add sesame seeds to the pan into the melted sugar and mix well. Once the seeds are mixed turn off the flame.
  4. Prep. (00:03:00)
    On a flat surface apply the oil to grease the surface. Place the mixture on the greased surface and flatten the mixture using a greased rolling pin such that the mixture remains just 1 to 2 mm thick.
  5. Prep. (00:02:00)
    Now immediately cut or mold it into shape of your choice. Usually square shaped pieces of 1.5 x 1.5 inches each.
  6. Prep. (00:00:00)
    Allow it to cool completely. Once cooled, it is ready to consume.
Prep. Time:00:05:00
Cook Time:00:10:00
Total Time:00:15:00