Sunday, February 05, 2017

Spicy Banana cubes

Recipe: Recipe: Spicy Banana cubes

DescriptionSmall fried cubes of raw banana seasoned with black pepper and red chili powder.



  1. Cook (00:03:00)
    Put the oil to heat
  2. Prep. (00:03:00)
    Peel the bananas and cut them into small dice shaped pieces.
  3. Cook (00:03:00)
    Put the banana cubes into the oil to deep fry until they are golden brown and crispy.
  4. Prep. (00:01:00)
    Once the cubes are fried place them into a bowl an sprinkle with black pepper powder, red chili powder and salt and shake the bowl to mix them well and then serve it.
Prep. Time:00:04:00
Cook Time:00:06:00
Total Time:00:10:00