Saturday, February 04, 2017

Fried carrot, Ivy Gourd and chili salad

Recipe: Fried carrot, Ivy Gourd and chili salad

DescriptionIndian salad to be served along with the main course. Ivy gourd is known as tinde in Hindi.



  1. Cook (00:02:00)
    Heat oil in a pan
  2. Cook (00:00:00)
    Add fenugreek seeds to the pan. Once the seeds are brown add mustard seeds.
  3. Cook (00:00:00)
    Add Ivy gourd, carrot and chili into the pan and mix well.
  4. Cook (00:03:00)
    Add salt to taste.
  5. Cook (00:03:00)
    Add turmeric powder and mix
  6. Prep. (00:00:00)
    Take the mixture off the stove and serve it in a bowl.
Prep. Time:00:00:00
Cook Time:00:08:00
Total Time:00:08:00